Transparency is not in quarantine: the launch of the legislative transparency toolbox

Hour: 4:00 pm Bruselas - 10:00 am
Country or Region: Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies
Recording of the virtual meeting of the official launch of the publication of the Legislative Transparency Toolbox to continue promoting the adoption of best practices in the parliaments of the Americas and the Caribbean in the areas of active transparency, requests for information, open data, communication and accessibility, and document management.
Transparency and access to information are two fundamental principles of modern democratic systems which guide state action for the provision of public goods and services. In addition, they have been recognised as essential within the 2030 Agenda, within the framework of the effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Public institutions around the world are called upon to include transparency and access to information in their policies and programmes across the board.
This publication is a joint initiative of the institutions that are part of the Transparency and Access to Information Network, ParlAmericas and the EU Programme #EUROsociAL+, and it contains the following tools for understanding and applying legislative transparency:
Active Transparency
Management of requests for access to public information
Open Data
Communication and Accessibility
Document Management