The production and marketing of food from family agriculture and the social economy as a strategy to combat hunger

Hour: 5:00 am -
Country or Region: Argentina, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Social policies
The Argentine Ministry of Social Development has been carrying out, with support from the European Union EUROsociAL+ programme, an initiative to strengthen the National Argentina Against Hunger Plan (PACH), through technical assistance activities and exchange with international experiences from Latin America and Europe that: (i) strengthen the implementation of the Plan; (ii) improve the food production and marketing component of the PACH and (iii) design adaptations to the component to the reality of post-pandemic events; in addition, (iv) facilitating the institutionalisation of inter-institutional and jurisdictional coordination with other civil society actors.
As part of this initiative, the Ministry of Social Development undertook, together with the European Union EUROsociAL+ programme and other international organisations, a series of meetings to exchange and reflect on social policies and especially food policies. This Dialogue lies within this series, and expects to contribute, through sharing different perspectives, to identifying the main challenges and opportunities that arise around the production and marketing of food.
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