Post-COVID-19 socio-economic recovery strategies: Urban and territorial development for social cohesion

Hour: 9:00 am Colombia - 4:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Colombia, Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies
In these moments of crisis, there is a greater demand for leadership by the central state and sub-national levels, together with the need for clear frameworks of action and coordination that adequately respond to the systemic nature of the health and socio-economic impact, implementing measures that help to overcome it. With a view to an effective recovery, the role of the state, as a strategic coordinator and balancing mechanism of different capacities and interests, is fundamental for the coordination of long-range processes that ensure social cohesion and prosperity in accordance with democratic principles and international commitments on gender equality.
The territorial approach in policies and actions developed in the context of socio-economic recovery is essential for national policies to provide a framework and promote development and the economy in the territories, and, in a broader sense, a better quality of urban life.
The LAC-EU Roundtable promoted by the current Presidency of MINURVI (Assembly of Ministers and Highest Authorities in Housing and Urban Development of Latin America and the Caribbean), with the support of EUROsociAL+, the European Union’s programme for social cohesion in Latin America in association with UN Habitat seeks to exchange experiences, strategies and approaches between the two regions to face the socio-economic crisis derived from the pandemic, addressing the contribution from urban and territorial development, as well as from housing and the construction sector, to socio-economic recovery responses in cities.
The meeting is structured in two sessions:
- Wednesday, 26 May 2021 (09:00 Colombia-16:00 Brussels):Ministerial round table.
- Thursday, 27 May (08:45 Colombia-15:45 Brussels): Technical round table