Access to justice for people in contexts where they are on the move in Latin America

Hour: 12:00 pm Buenos Aires - 4:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies
Latin America is going through one of the largest processes of human mobility in recent times, which is the product of various circumstances such as an increase in poverty, persecution, conflicts, humanitarian crises, insecurity, violence, natural disasters, etc. In this context, an element to consider is that there are migrants and refugees’ legal needs that require attention because they are not being met. Their special condition of vulnerability recognised in the Brasilia Rules, among other norms, obliges states to attend to these needs. The role of the Public Defender’s Offices to meet these legal needs is of fundamental importance since, probably, they will be one of the few national institutions that can provide guidance, legal advice, representation and advocacy so that migrants and refugees can access their rights and get justice.
EUROsociAL accompanies the Inter-American Association of Public Defender’s Offices (AIDEF) in the creation of an Inter-American Network for the Defence of People on the Move and a Regional Defence Model for People on the Move to improve access to justice for the migrants and refugees in the region. In this framework, the objective of the webinar is twofold, on the one hand to generate a space for the exchange of experiences, strategies and mechanisms to improve care services for migrants and refugees, as well as best practices between institutions in Europe and Latin America. And, on the other, to present the proposal for an Inter-American Network of Legal Assistance for People on the Move and the Regional Defence Model for People on the Move, prepared within the framework of the AIDEF with the support of EUROsociAL+.