Dialogue between Europe and Latin America: strengths and challenges in the fight against hunger in times of pandemic

Hour: 3:00 pm -
Country or Region: Argentina, Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Social policies
The COVID-19 health emergency has caused and/or deepened economic and social crises to differing degrees depending on the country, affecting in particular the population that was already the most vulnerable before the pandemic. Both in Latin American countries and in Europe, emergency measures have been taken to get food to people, but we know that the fight against hunger is not limited to these. The right to healthy food in the required quantity and quality requires a food security policy that considers the global regulation of agri-food systems, production chains, economies and social life dynamics in different territories and in each country.
The Argentine Ministry of Social Development implemented, together with the European Union EUROsociAL+ programme and other international organisations, an round of meetings for exchange and reflection on social policies and especially food policies, which includes this high-level dialogue, to share reflections on food security matters in both Europe and Latin America.
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