COVID-19 – occupational health and safety measures and the role of social dialogue and sectoral agreements in Latin America and Europe

Hour: 4:00 pm Bruselas - 11:00 am Buenos Aires
Country or Region: Argentina, Chile, Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Social policies
One year ago, the International Labor Organization, the European Union’s EUROsociAL+ programme and the Argentinian Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security decided to join forces and work together to develop a series of virtual forums for dialogue and exchange on measures that, in terms of health and safety at work, countries were adopting in the face of COVID-19, both at the most critical moment of the crisis and for the reactivation of production and the economy, and for the recovery of employment.
The round table meetings focused on four economic sectors that have been especially affected by the crisis – construction, transport, domestic work and wholesale markets, the common thread of each encounter being occupational health and safety measures, the role of social dialogue and the sectoral agreements reached.
The publication presented today systematises the national responses shared at these sessions, as well as a series of reflections on the lessons learnt during the pandemic and the challenges facing occupational health and safety in the future.