Euro-Latin American visions and proposals to prevent adolescent pregnancy and promote equal gender relations

Hour: -
Country or Region: Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Equality
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies
Twenty-six years after the historic Fourth World Conference on Women and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, in 2021, the Generation Equality Forum is taking place, a global dialogue calling for urgent measures and accountability to achieve gender equality. This global meeting is held at the initiative of civil society organisations fighting for gender equality and is convened by UN Women and jointly organised by the governments of Mexico and France.
The session “Euro-Latin American Visions and Proposals to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy and Promote Egalitarian Gender Relations” is part of the “Euro-Latin American Dialogues: from coalitions to actions within the framework of the Generation Equality Forum” cycle of seminars organised for the Gender Equality Policy component of the European Union EUROsociAL+ programme.
The main objective of this session is to generate a bi-regional dialogue to reflect and learn about the best practices in the promotion of sexual and reproductive rights and the prevention and reduction of adolescent pregnancy in different contexts. It will therefore seek to:
Promote alliances between different actors in Europe and Latin America to promote sexual and reproductive rights and prevent and reduce adolescent pregnancy.
Encourage the exchange of innovative experiences to involve men in the prevention of unplanned pregnancies.
Promote the creation of new multi-actor alliances for the promotion of sexual and reproductive rights and the reduction of unintentional pregnancy in adolescents.
See planned events schedule
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