Gender equality observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean

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Topic: Social cohesion
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Country or Region:
Topic: Social cohesion
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The European Union Programmes EUROsociAL+ and Euroclima+, together with the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity of the Government of Chile, ECLAC and the United Nations System in Chile, are organising a parallel event on “Climate action with gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean, within the framework of the Commission on the Legal and Social Status of Women (CSW).
The objectives of this session are:
- Share the results of the “Regional Meeting on Climate Change and Gender Equality”, held in September 2021.
- Disseminate the declaration of the 62nd Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, a virtual meeting on 26-27 January 2022.
- Draw attention to the importance of promoting international cooperation and alliances on gender and climate change.
- Share experiences and good practices on the implementation of the enhanced Gender Action Plan (2020 -2024) of the UNFCCC.
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