Access to information and gender equality: an agenda for Latin America

Hour: -
Country or Region: Latin American Region, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Equality
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies, Gender equality policies
Within the framework of the action “Gender Perspective in Transparency and Access to Information Policies in Latin America” implemented by the RTA, with the support of the European Union EUROsociAL+ programme, the Access to Information and Gender Equality: An Agenda for Latin America webinar will be held on 7 June.
The aim of the activity is to present the publication “Incorporation of the Gender Approach in Transparency and Access to Public Information Systems and Policies in Latin America” and to create a space for debate between guarantor bodies, mechanisms for the advancement of women, different organisations, both national and international, and civil society around this issue in order to achieve greater positioning in specific agendas and strategies.
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