20 years of the reform: rethinking justice in Chile within the framework of the constitutional process

Hour: 10:00 am Santiago de Chile - 2:00 pm Bruselas
Country or Region: Chile, European Union Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Exchange of experiences
Olicy Areas: Democratic governance policies
December 2020 marks precisely 20 years since Chile began the criminal procedure reform, a public policy that modernised the old inquisitorial system, replacing it with an oral and accusatory model in which the functions of investigating, prosecuting and passing sentence are divided into the causes, framework in which the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office were created.
Two decades after the beginning of this process, this seminar is an opportunity to reflect on the achievements that this system has shown and the challenges posed to respond to the current needs of Chilean society, both from the perspective of rights and access to justice and the structural reforms required by the system. This issue is a priority for the Chilean Public Defender’s Office, since its mission involves guaranteeing many of the rights that are currently being debated and reviewed in the framework of the constitutional process.
The aim of this seminar is to tackle a technical discussion that also allows the current evaluation of justice in Chile to be analysed, regarding the results shown by a recent public opinion study developed by the Public Defender’s Office that shows a general decline in the evaluation received by the institutions of the justice system.
This event is co-organised by the Chilean Public Defender’s Office and the Delegation of the European Union in Chile, in collaboration with the EUROsociAL+ Programme of the European Union.