Initiatives of civil society organizations in Latin America in the face of the pandemic

Author / Authors: EUROsociAL
Publication date: 03/05/2021

The COVID-19 virus reached Latin America and the Caribbean in mid-February 2020 and its rapid evolution into a global pandemic implied a restructuring of the functioning of countries and cities. From the first moment, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) activated various initiatives to place themselves in the first line of support for citizens, deploying an intense agenda that has been key to face the most urgent effects of the pandemic, alleviate the consequences social and economic problems of the crisis and, in different ways between countries, to monitor, accompany and strengthen public action.

To learn about the actions of CSOs in the region, a CLACSO research team mapped the initiatives implemented during the first phase of the pandemic, with the aim of proposing lines of action based on the findings. The analysis emphasizes the capacity of these initiatives to contribute to a new generation of public policies, to guide the construction of Welfare States in the region. Through the mapping, 296 initiatives implemented by 711 CSOs, present in one or more countries of the 19 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean studied, were identified. Among the countries, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico stand out, with the largest number of initiatives identified.

We present the study document and the dynamic table with the information collected, available in this section.


Type edition: EUROsociAL+ Collection
Coordinator: EUROsociAL
Language: Spanish
ISBMN/ISSN: 978-84-09-31025-8
Section: Working documents
Series: Learning about social cohesion
Number: 20
Type of publication: EUROsociAL+ Collection
Area: Democratic governance policies, Gender equality policies, Social policies
Keyword: NGO`s, CSOs, Civil Society, COVID19, public policies
SDG: Peace, justice and strong institutions, Partnerships for the goals