Cuba · Article · 15 January, 2020

EUROsociAL+ outlook for 2020

By Juan Manuel Santomé, EUROsociAL+ Director

EUROsociAL has generated trusted relational capital over the years, placing it as a high-value mechanism to exercise a facilitating role in the dialogue for the creation of new inclusive social pacts that “do not leave anyone behind”, in line with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.

We also began the challenge of incorporating the Dominican Republic into EUROsociAL, a platform for exchanging experiences on public policies between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean.

2020 looks set to be a key year for both Europe and Latin America to make strategic decisions about the current development model and the adjustments and important pacts necessary to make it environmentally sustainable and socially equitable.

A year in which Europe’s commitment to cooperation with Latin America will be outlined, a cooperation with mostly middle-income countries and one that must be based mainly on shared knowledge; a year that will reveal the relevance of the digital agenda and the opportunities it offers for more open and higher quality democratic governments. EUROsociAL in particular and EU cooperation in general have a lot to say in all of this, and a lot to contribute. Hopefully we will all keep at the “height of the times”, as Ortega y Gasset said.

Pais: Cuba
Área de Políticas:
Tipo: Article
