State of the legislation on digital gender violence in Latin America
Author / Authors: Ana Karen Cortés Víquez y Jessica Matus ArenasPublication date: 08/06/2022
This document is the result of a detailed systematization of the legal provisions that exist in 19 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of digital gender violence. The document offers a tool for analysis and comparison between the different countries of the region. This systematization had a double objective: to make a regional mapping of the current state of the law in this matter, and to generate information for the design of regulatory reforms and a coordination protocol between data protection authorities, prosecutors and other government agencies that participate in attention to cases of digital gender violence.
Type edition: EUROsociAL+ ToolsCoordinator: Eurosocial+
Language: Spanish
ISBMN/ISSN: 978-84-09-41490-1
Section: Studies
Series: Learning about social cohesion
Number: 103
Type of publication: EUROsociAL+ Tools
Area: Gender equality policies
Keyword: digital violence, gender violence, mapping, Latin America, laws
SDG: Gender equality, Peace, justice and strong institutions, Partnerships for the goals