Employment Plan of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Uruguay

Author / Authors: Jaime Velilla
Publication date: 10/03/2022

The Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (MTSS) through the Dirección Nacional de Empleo (DINAE), with the support of EUROsociAL+, has developed during 2021 the Integral Plan for the Promotion of Employment (PIPE) that is presented here. The plan responds to two objectives: to unite efforts with institutions in the world of work to promote more and better services for labor (re)insertion and to benefit the vulnerable population (young people, 45 year olds, people with disabilities) and women ; and strengthen programs and projects to support people in the search and meeting of labor alternatives. The present publication puts within the reach of other public administrations a public policy that proposes innovative actions in employment policies, based on prospective analysis of employment needs and the future of professional training and support for new types of employment in the territories . This work complements the support that EUROsociAL+ previously provided in the process of organizational restructuring and strategic planning to improve the articulation of active employment policies in Uruguay. On the other hand, the Uruguayan Parliament recently approved a new normative framework Law 19,973 of Promoción del Empleo, in order to provide legal support to the actions of the aforementioned Integral Plan of Promoción del Empleo.


Type edition: EUROsociAL+ Tools
Coordinator: EUROsociAL+
Language: Spanish
ISBMN/ISSN: 978-84-09-38445-7
Section: Policy documents
Series: Policies for social cohesion
Number: 89
Type of publication: EUROsociAL+ Tools
Area: Social policies
Keyword: pandemic, COVID19, PIPE, employment, social security
SDG: Decent work and economic growth