Housing first to overcome the street situation in Latin America

Author / Authors: Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia de Chile
Publication date: 11/08/2021
This document was produced by the National Street Office team and the Hogar Sí Foundation team, within the framework of the Eurosocial project “Housing First for Latin America: Standards and Equipment Certification”. It compiles the model and the steps carried out by the Ministry of Social Development and Family of the Government of Chile, to solve the most extreme social vulnerability situations, through an innovative intervention model, such as the “Supported Housing” program. with the purpose that homeless people resolve the lack of accommodation and access support services to stay in the house. This program includes a comprehensive social intervention where housing is the first step and the most relevant pillar for the process of overcoming the homeless situation, together with the delivery of support services to improve health, daily life skills and socio-community integration of the participants.


Type edition: Other publications
Coordinator: Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia de Chile
Language: Spanish
Section: Policy documents
Series: Social cohesion in practice
Number: 1
Type of publication: Other publications
Area: Social policies
Keyword: Housing First; situación de calle; homeless; sintecho
SDG: Reduced inequalities, Partnerships for the goals