Implementation Guide for the Inter-American Model Law on Care

Author / Authors: OEA-CIM
Publication date: 10/06/2022

The Inter-American Model Law on Care (LMIC) is born from the competence of the Organization of American States (OAS) to move towards strengthening the legal and regulatory frameworks of its Member States, developing instruments that serve this purpose. The Inter-American Model Law on Care (LMIC) represents a tool of regional scope that seeks to establish the bases of a new pact in the social organization of care that resignifies its role in society, allows it to face its current crisis and promote the leap evolutionary towards caring societies. The Implementation Guide that accompanies the LMIC recovers the highest standards in this matter, as well as doctrines and practices of the region, making a tour of the
standards and experiences of countries that are already advancing actions in the field of care. The European Union, through its EUROsociAL+ program, also contributed with the Implementation Guide, illustrating the progress and experiences of European countries on the subject of care. European experiences allow us to strengthen the notion of building bridges to consolidate social pacts that promote the empowerment of women.

This document is linked to the Inter-American Model Law on Care and the report Covid-19 in the lives of women: global care emergency


Type edition: Other publications
Coordinator: OEA-CIM
Language: Spanish
Section: Policy documents
Series: Learning about social cohesion
Number: 0
Type of publication: Other publications
Area: Gender equality policies
Keyword: Human Rights, Gender Equality, Care Policies, Methodology
SDG: Gender equality, Peace, justice and strong institutions, Partnerships for the goals