Aging and Care for Dependency in Ecuador

Author / Authors: Paula Forttes Valdivia
Publication date: 31/03/2021
This document describes, according to available information, the health and dependency conditions of the older adult population in Ecuador and the main sociodemographic and economic characteristics of this group. Analyze the offer of services
care for dependency, regulations on aging and disability, and the role of the government and the private sector in the provision of services.
It contains a series of recommendations to support the process of generating a care system that takes a comprehensive look at the needs of the elderly and considers the needs of caregivers.


Type edition: Other publications
Coordinator: BID/EUROsociAL+
Language: Spanish
Section: Other collections
Series: Learning about social cohesion
Number: 5
Type of publication: Other publications
Area: Social policies
Keyword: Envejecimiento; dependencia; atención a la dependencia; inclusión social; América Latina y el Caribe; Ecuador; Personas adultas mayores
SDG: Good health & well-being, Reduced inequalities, Peace, justice and strong institutions, Partnerships for the goals