Right to information of people with disabilities in Latin America

Author / Authors: Silvana Queija de la Sotta
Publication date: 18/11/2021
This study was carried out in collaboration with the European Union programs EUROsociAL + and “BRIDGING THE GAP”, with the Transparency and Access to Information Network (RTA). This document presents a legal, social and political analysis on how State institutions have responded in guaranteeing the right to public information to people with disabilities in five Latin American countries (Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Guatemala and Mexico). It also explores the situation and the barriers that people with disabilities have been facing and how this is related to a lack of access to other rights, which will allow us to make visible the importance and need to guarantee this right and the best ways to achieve it. Maps inclusive active transparency initiatives and practices in the region (good practices, successful examples, etc.). At the same time, recommendations / guidelines are generated to reinforce inclusion in access to information for the initiatives of the Working Group “Vulnerable Groups” on Transparency and Access to Information (RTA) with the aim of promoting the design of initiatives , practices and inclusive policies of people with disabilities in terms of access to public information in Latin America.


Type edition: Other publications
Coordinator: EUROsociAL+
Language: Spanish
Section: Studies
Series: Learning about social cohesion
Number: 1
Type of publication: Other publications
Area: Democratic governance policies
Keyword: disability, study, good practices, RTA, access to information, accessibility
SDG: Reduced inequalities