Strategic Planning and Work Plan 2021-2025. Permanent Commission on Gender and Access to Justice, CJI

Author / Authors: María Edith López Hernández
Publication date: 21/07/2020
The Permanent Commission on Gender and Access to Justice of the Ibero-American Judicial Summit is a body dependent on the Plenary Assembly of CJI, whose fundamental mandate is to mainstream the gender perspective, equality and non-discrimination in the CJI and in the Judiciarys systems of Ibero-America, respecting the independence and autonomy of its members. The XX Edition of the Gender Commission, coordinated by the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico, promulgated an ambitious work plan, to guide its future, as well as to guarantee the continuity of the successes achieved since its genesis in 2014. In this framework, during the year 2020 the Commission requested the support of EUROsociAL+, for the diagnosis of the work of the Permanent Commission on Gender and Access to Justice since its creation; a proposal for common guidelines, strategies and mechanisms to incorporate the gender perspective, equality and non-discrimination; a Strategic Planning 2021-2025 and a proposed Work Plan.
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Type edition: EUROsociAL+ Tools
Coordinator: EUROsociAL+
Language: Spanish
ISBMN/ISSN: 978-84-09-35425-2
Section: Policy documents
Series: Policies for social cohesion
Number: 83
Type of publication: EUROsociAL+ Tools
Area: Gender equality policies
Keyword: Keywords Strategic planning, Permanent Commission on Gender and Access to Justice, Ibero-American Judicial Summit, gender equality, justice, human rights
SDG: Gender equality, Peace, justice and strong institutions