Land use planning in Latin America

Author / Authors: Hernán González Mejía
Publication date: 09/01/2021
The Latin American Network of Public Policies for Regional Development, with the support of EUROsociAL +, presented the document “Land use planning in Latin America: current situation and perspectives”. This study reviewed the national regional land-use planning systems of 10 Latin American countries, their land-use planning instruments at the intermediate level and the progress made, as well as the most important challenges they must face. It has made it possible to formulate technical recommendations, identify good practices, made available to the different countries, as a frame of reference in the design of their own public policies, projects and programs that strengthen the regional or intermediate level of planning.


Type edition: EUROsociAL+ Collection
Coordinator: EUROsociAL+
Language: Spanish
ISBMN/ISSN: 978-84-09-26690-6
Section: Studies
Series: Learning about social cohesion
Number: 17
Type of publication: EUROsociAL+ Collection
Area: Democratic governance policies
Keyword: Territory, decentralization, development, approaches, models, management instruments, Latin American Network of Public Policies for Regional Development
SDG: Reduced inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities, Peace, justice and strong institutions, Partnerships for the goals