Training professionals to involve aggressors in the fight against gender violence

Date: July 22, 2020
Hour: 5:00 pm Bruselas -
Country or Region: Latin American Region
Language: Spanish
Topic: Social cohesion
Olicy Areas: Gender equality policies

In this webinar, Heinrich Geldschläger (Conexus, Spain), will give a brief introduction on the importance of working with male aggressors as part of a coordinated response against gender-based violence and on the Internet Work With Perpetrators European Network (WWP EN) that encourages this work to be carried out safely and effectively in Europe. Next, he will explain the ENGAGE Guide and Training for addressing gender violence in men in non-specific services, developed by European entities in cooperation with the University of Bristol and RESPECT. He will also share some lessons learnt and results of the pilot implementation of the ENGAGE project in France, Italy and Spain, allowing participants to reflect on the approach to violence with men in their own non-specific services and their own referral routes for these men, opening up new possibilities.

The objective of the activity is to carry out a detailed analysis of the existing programmes both in Europe and Latin America in order to build bridges of cooperation with a view to the creation of a bi-regional work network. It is about promoting a joint focus to learn from each other and design better public policies for working with male aggressors to avoid recidivism.

This activity is co-organised by Work With Perpetrators European Network (WWP EN) and the EUROsociAL+ Gender Equality policy area



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