EUROsociAL + program results framework (MdR): Methodological guide for planning, monitoring and reporting action in the Gender Equality Policy Area
Author / Authors: Oficina del Programa EUROsociAL+ (Área de Políticas de Igualdad de Género)Publication date: 03/06/2020
This guide, from the Gender Equality Policy Area, is part of the efforts to build a results-based monitoring system for EUROsociAL +; being part of a more extensive bibliographic collection focused on the methodology of the Program as an innovative model for current and future cooperation.
Each of the public policy areas has a methodological guide adapted to its “sectorial” needs and intervention strategy, both national and regional; always taking care of the coherence of the action, seeking to contribute, as the European Union, to the reduction of inequalities, the improvement of the levels of social cohesion and institutional strengthening in 19 Latin American countries, by supporting their design, reform and implementation of public policies.
Type edition: EUROsociAL+ CollectionCoordinator: EUROsociAL+ Oficina de Programa
Language: Spanish
ISBMN/ISSN: 978-84-09-24626-7
Section: Other collections
Series: Social cohesion in practice
Number: 9
Type of publication: EUROsociAL+ Collection
Area: Gender equality policies
Keyword: Social cohesion; equity; equality; Agenda 2030; SDG; Public Policies; Cooperation; Good Practices; Innovation; Metodology
SDG: Gender equality, Peace, justice and strong institutions