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EUROsociAL+ News - June 2019


The recent communication from the European Commission and the European External Action Service on European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean relations, highlighting the role of EUROsociAL+ as an essential instrument for reducing inequality; the current scenario on the new role of international cooperation with countries in transition; and upcoming global (European Development Days 2019 in Brussels) and bi-regional events (Second Meeting of the EUROsociAL+ Programme in Cartagena de Indias), are giving the Programme decisive momentum to reposition the social agenda and promote a horizontal cooperation model based on exchange, dialogue, trust and reciprocity.

European Development Days 2019
Second Meeting of the EUROsociAL+ Programme

© Johnny Miller. “Unequal Scenes”. Santa Fe, Ciudad de México

Once again, EUROsociAL+ will participate in the European Development Days, the subject of which will be inequality.

EUROsocial activities in the EDD:

Project Lab son inequality in the labour market (18 June 2019, 10.00)
High-Level Panel  to reflect on the new role of international cooperation and the development in transition concept (19 June 2019, 9.30). #DevInTransition
Estand where we will interact with the EDD community (#ThinkTwice)

Click on this link to see the complete programme for #EDD19

The Second Meeting of the EUROsociAL+ Programme is intended to be a time for sharing and exploring the concept of trust as an essential component of social cohesion and the new cooperation instruments. The meeting will combine two exchange formats: a collective space in plenary session to talk about the current challenges to trust in both regions and their impact on social cohesion; and another, consisting of parallel groups, where eight workshops will address areas of the work done by the programme from an intersectoral dynamic that affect social cohesion, with the focus on trust.

Policy areas


Conclusions of the seminar "More Young People in Companies" (Lima, Peru).

The conclusions of the seminar on youth employability, held in Lima, emphasised converging visions on the characteristics of the “apprenticeship” contract.
Regional workshop on gender equality policies

EUROsociAL+ called a meeting of seven Latin American countries and EU representatives in Lima to coordinate national and regional approaches to equality and gender equity plans.
Seminar: Human Mobility in Latin America (Madrid, Spain)

EUROsociAL+ organised a meeting for global development agents in Latin America to find collective responses to migration flows in the region.

EUROsociAL+ promotes access to justice and land for rural women in Colombia

The Colombian Peace Agreement and the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women recognise the need to improve the rights of rural women

Social Cohesion Forum

EUROsociAL+ launches the Social Cohesion Forum on the platform
This forum will encourage debate and reflection on the design and improvement of public policies for social cohesion in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union. 
The forum is open to organisations, institutions and people involved in cooperation, public policies, gender equity and social cohesion.
Participate in the forum


EUROsociAL+ Collection

Democratic social cohesion as a guide for public policies: a renewed conceptual and methodological perspective
Author: Ana Sojo
Area: Gender equality policies, Democratic Governance Policies, Social Policies
Keywords: Social cohesion; Public policies; Conceptualisation; Latin America
EUROsociAL+ Tools

Regional guide on comprehensive care for victims of institutional violence in prisons in Latin America
Iñaki Rivera Beiras and Alejandro Forero Cuéllar
Area: Democratic Governance Policies
Keywords: Institutional violence; Prisons; Human rights
See all publications


Audiovisual series on youth employability
Three audiovisuals show different ways to improve policies for youth employability.
The seminar "More Young People in Companies" held in Lima, made progress in the integration of training and work as a way to improve youth employability and corporate productivity. Representatives from 60 international organisations and institutions attended the meeting along with 120 people from more than 20 countries from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe took part. The main dialogues and debates were summarised in a series of three videos published by EUROsociAL TV on YouTube.

Serie empleabilidad juvenil:
NAF social innovation audiovisual awards
Educational Institutions in Brazil and Peru won the NAF 2.0 Audiovisual Innovation Award in recognition of their social commitment.
First Prize in the "Student" category
Title: Story of Student Commitment (2 minutes 11 seconds)
Institution: Instituto Privado Celendín
Country: Peru
First Prize in the "Higher Education Institutions" category
Title: Travelling NAF (2 minutes 40 seconds)
Institution: UNIVALE
Country: Brazil
See all videos

Image gallery

Seminar: Human Mobility in Latin America
19 March 2019 (Madrid, Spain).
Regional workshop on gender equality policies. Latin American Experiences.

3 and 4 April 2019 (Lima, Peru).

Press Review

Latin America is committed to strengthening gender issues in prosecutors’ offices

Guatemala, 21 May (EFE). Countries in the network specialising in gender issues of the Ibero-American Association of Public Ministries (AIAMP) signed a five-year plan for 2019-2023 in Guatemala to find ways to strengthen research and criminal prosecution on gender issues.
Dialogue between the EUROsociAL+ Programme and the Dominican Republic on public policies for social cohesion

EL NUEVO DIARIO, SANTO DOMINGO. The European Union (EU) EUROsociAL+ Programme, which promotes the transfer of knowledge between the 27 countries in the alliance and 18 Latin American nations, is looking into supporting the Dominican Republic to reduce inequality, improve levels of social cohesion and strengthen its institutions.



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